Sunday, October 5, 2008

Rose is a Rose

I keep fighting my natural instincts which are to photograph people and I pursue still life and landscape when the opportunity presents itself.

So I've been toying around with these dried up roses with little success.

I've got this idea of photographing dead and decaying things.
In my mind's eye, I can see exactly what these pictures are supposed to look like, but I fail miserably at staging and lighting the moment.

I've been half-heartedly vowing to stop photographing live models because of the time, expense and hassle involved in dealing with them, but so far they provide my best and most satisfying material.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Deanna with Piano

Here's a Polaroid 55 pos/neg of Deanna Dupre a wonderful Phoenix model. This was shot at f/5.6 which unfortunately was about one stop underexposed. I forgot that I was metering for TMAX film and the Polaroid is ISO 50 while the TMAX is ISO 100. This was supposed to be low-key lighting anyway, but it would have been nice to have that extra stop of light.

The neg's got some nasty sodium sulfite streaking that I failed to clean thoroughly. I may have to go back and rewash and photo flo again.