So I'm really starting to believe Polly Chandler is right on target with her Polaroid advice. I'm really digging this film. I'm still using this old stuff that Jason gave me, but I really like using this pos/neg film. I'm kind of anxious to get to the Phoenix area so I can get some sodium sulfite (sulfate) and a proper container for the negatives--although, I do so enjoy my early morning coffee, NPR processing sessions with the Kodak TMax 100.
This is a cactus in our front yard, shot at f/11-16 @ 1/2 sec. I lost the light I really wanted as the sun dipped behind a cloud just before I shot the frame. I could have waited for the sun to come back, but it was already close to the horizon, so I shot this with flat light just because I had everything set up and ready to go.
so, you're getting these polaroid negs and you aren't stabilizing them? what do you do with them? does it harm them to have the goop sitting on them?
Well for now I'm just rinsing and photo flow-ing them. Then I scan them as soon as they're dry to about a 64 mb grayscale, PSD file. I know this isn't the best practice, but for now I'm OK with it.
I'm waiting until we get settled in Gilbert. Then I'm hitting the camera stores in Phoenix to get me some sodium sulfite and a nice canister to stabilize them.
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